本文摘要:The chairman of the Chinese smartphone brand Xiaomi, a rising star of the consumer technology industry, said that sales more than doubled last year to $12.2 billion and that the company planned to expand further into global markets.中国智能手机品牌小米是消费技术行业的后起之秀,该公司董事长说道,去年小米的销售额快速增长一倍有余,约122亿美元,该公司计划更进一步在全球市场上扩展。

The chairman of the Chinese smartphone brand Xiaomi, a rising star of the consumer technology industry, said that sales more than doubled last year to $12.2 billion and that the company planned to expand further into global markets.中国智能手机品牌小米是消费技术行业的后起之秀,该公司董事长说道,去年小米的销售额快速增长一倍有余,约122亿美元,该公司计划更进一步在全球市场上扩展。Xiaomi, a five-year-old company, sold 61.1 million handsets, a 227 percent increase over 2013.小米公司问世于五年前,去年它卖出6110万部手机,比2013年快速增长227%。Revenue rose 135 percent to 74.3 billion renminbi, or $12.2 billion, the chairman, Lei Jun, wrote on his company blog.小米董事长雷军在公司博客上回应,公司营收743亿元人民币,同比快速增长135%。

Xiaomi overtook Samsung Electronics in the second quarter of last year and became China’s biggest-selling smartphone brand by number of handsets sold. The privately held company, based in Beijing, recently completed a round of fund-raising from investors that Mr. Lei said valued Xiaomi at $45 billion, making it one of the world’s most valuable technology brands.以手机销售数量而言,去年第二季度,小米打破三星电子(Samsung Electronics),沦为中国最畅销的智能手机品牌。这家民营公司总部设于北京,最近从投资者处已完成了一轮融资。雷军说道,据此小米估值为450亿美元,这让它沦为了世界上最不具价值的科技品牌之一。

Xiaomi plans to expand further abroad after selling a million handsets last year in India, its biggest foreign market, Mr. Lei said, though he gave no indication which markets it might focus on.小米仅次于的国外市场是印度,去年它在那里销售了一百万部手机,该公司计划在海外更进一步扩展,雷军说道,不过他没具体回应小米有可能重点注目哪些市场。Xiaomi ran into legal trouble in India in December after a court blocked sales of some handsets while it heard a complaint by Ericcson of Sweden that the Chinese company violated its patents.去年12月,小米在印度遇上了法律上的困难:由于瑞典爱立信(Ericcson)称之为小米公司侵害了它的专利,印度一所法院禁令该公司销售一些手机。Mr. Lei called the case a “rite of passage” for a young company.雷军称之为这个案子是一家年长公司的“成年礼”。

