iPhone水货在中国降价 苹果钱景堪忧‘乐竞app官方下载入口’
本文摘要:HONG KONG — When Apple’s latest iPhones went on sale this month in Hong Kong, Singapore and New York, among the hip urbanites and tech-obsessed was another group clamoring for the devices: Chinese scalpers looking to make a premium by flipping the phones to smugglers.香港——本月,当苹果公司(Apple)最新款的iPhone在香港、新加坡和纽约发售时,争相出售的除了时尚的都市精英和科技迷外,还有一个群体:期望通过将手机推倒卖给走私客赚差价的中国黄牛党。

HONG KONG — When Apple’s latest iPhones went on sale this month in Hong Kong, Singapore and New York, among the hip urbanites and tech-obsessed was another group clamoring for the devices: Chinese scalpers looking to make a premium by flipping the phones to smugglers.香港——本月,当苹果公司(Apple)最新款的iPhone在香港、新加坡和纽约发售时,争相出售的除了时尚的都市精英和科技迷外,还有一个群体:期望通过将手机推倒卖给走私客赚差价的中国黄牛党。But the gray market for the new iPhones has already dried up, even though they will not officially go on sale in China for a few weeks, at the earliest.尽管新款iPhone最先也要几周后才能在中国大陆月发售,但它的灰色市场早已坍塌了。Wholesalers who helped orchestrate the smuggling of tens of thousands of the phones into the country are now slashing prices to move inventory. At an electronics market in central Beijing, one retailer was recently selling the low-end iPhone 6 and 6 Plus for 6,500 renminbi to 8,800 renminbi ($1,060 to $1,436), down from 12,000 renminbi to 15,000 renminbi ($1,960 to $2,450) just after the release.为了处置库存,之前协助决定数万部新款iPhone走私入中国的批发商正在乘机降价。在北京市中心的一处电子市场,一名零售商最近在以6500元到8800元的价格,销售较低配版的iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus,而刚开始发售时,它们的价格是1.2万元到1.5万元。

“Stocks of the iPhone 6 are way too high right now,” said one wholesaler of smuggled iPhones in Beijing’s northwestern tech hub Zhongguancun.“现在iPhone 6的存货过于多了,”一名销售水货iPhone的批发商说道。他在坐落于北京西北部的科技中心中关村经商。The smugglers’ experience represents the new reality for Apple in China.走私客的遭遇,代表着苹果在中国面对的新现实。

Four years ago, the iPhone 4 was a status symbol, with the black market booming before the product was officially introduced. Today, the iPhone is simply one option among many, as local companies like Xiaomi and Meizu Technology rival Apple in terms of coolness while charging less than half the price.四年前,iPhone 4是身份的象征物,在大陆市场月发售前,黑市就极为兴旺。如今,小米和魅族等中国本土手机在酷炫方面堪比苹果,而价钱却严重不足苹果的一半,于是iPhone沦落众多自由选择中的一个。A spokeswoman for Apple declined to comment on the smuggling.苹果的女发言人拒绝接受对走私问题置评。

The primary route the iPhones have taken into China is via Hong Kong, according to the wholesaler, who declined to be identified because of the illegality of some parts of the operations. Scalpers organize Hong Kong customers with local identity cards to preorder phones that the scalpers then collect outside the store, paying about $325 extra per phone. The phones are then smuggled to wholesalers in Guangdong, across the border from Hong Kong, and from there are shipped to cities across China.据前述批发商称之为,iPhone转入中国的主要路线是经过香港。因为部分做生意并不合法,此人拒绝接受公开发表姓名。黄牛党组织香港的消费者用当地的身份证件预约手机,再行每部调高约2000元人民币,在店外并购。然后,手机被走私至与香港坐落的广东省的批发商手里,然后再行被运到全国各地。

When the prices were high, early last week, the wholesaler said he was making more than $163 per sale. But his profit margins have dissolved as prices have fallen. “This year the scalpers’ losses will be big,” he said.这名批发商说道,上周伊始价格尚能正处于高位时,他每售出一部手机利润上千。但随着价格的走低,他的利润空间消失了。“今年,黄牛的损失不会相当大,”他说道。

China is a fast-growing market for Apple, which competes with Samsung for control in the high-end smartphone segment. In January, Apple brokered a long-delayed deal with the country’s largest telecom company, China Mobile, which has helped bolster sales. The largest smartphone market in the world, China accounted for 15.9 percent of Apple’s revenue in the last quarter.对正在与三星(Samsung)争夺战高端智能手机细分市场控制权的苹果来说,中国是一个快速增长很快的市场。今年1月,苹果与中国仅次于的电信公司中国移动达成协议了一项延期已幸的协议,从而助推了销售额的快速增长。作为全世界仅次于的智能手机市场,中国在苹果上季度的营收中所占到比例为15.9%。

The new models will help Apple solidify its position in the country. In China there are about 50 million iPhone users, according to Kitty Fok, a managing director of the research firm IDC. She estimates that the company will sell about four million phones a month as customers swap their old iPhones for the new ones.新产品将有助苹果稳固在中国的地位。调研企业国际数据公司(IDC)的继续执行董事霍锦洁(Kitty Fok)称之为,中国有约5000万iPhone用户。她估算,随着消费者将手中的iPhone升级换代,苹果公司每月不会售出约400万部手机。

But both Apple and Samsung face stiff competition from local brands, which have been offering cheaper phones with high-end features. As Samsung’s sales slipped this year, the company was replaced by Xiaomi as the country’s largest smartphone maker, according to the market research firm Canalys.不过,苹果和三星都面对着来自中国本土品牌的白热化竞争。这些国内厂商仍然在以更加低廉的价格获取具备高端功能的手机。市场调研公司Canalys称之为,随着三星销量的下降,小米今年早已取而代之,沦为中国仅次于的智能手机生产商。

“The local players aren’t only playing the price game,” Ms. Fok said. “They have products that cater to the local market, big screen sizes, optimized connectivity for China and dual SIM cards.”“本土参与者并不只是在玩价格游戏,”霍锦洁说道。“他们有顺应本土市场的产品,大屏、为中国度身自定义的优化连接起来,以及双卡双待功能。”The Chinese government is not making things any easier. An intensifying crackdown on corruption in the country has led officials, who in the past were known to spend big on luxury products like iPhones, to tamp down on lavish purchases.中国政府也没让苹果的日子好过。中国于是以增大压制贪腐的力度,造成过去出了名地会在iPhone等奢侈品上大肆挥霍的官员,不肯再行那么大手大脚。

The government has also signaled that it would take measures to curb government reliance on electronics made by foreign companies after disclosures by the former National Security Agency contractor Edward J. Snowden about United States government surveillance. In a statement issued this month, Apple’s chief executive, Timothy D. Cook, said the company had never cooperated with the government of any country to provide access to customer data.在国家安全局(National Security Agency)前承包商雇员爱德华·J·斯诺登(Edward J. Snowden)揭发美国政府的监控项目后,中国政府还获释了信号,将采取措施诱导政府对外国企业出产的电子设备的倚赖。苹果首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(Timothy D. Cook)本月发表声明称之为,公司未曾与任何国家的政府合作,获取客户数据。At a conference this month, Wei Jianguo, the director general of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, said that the Shanghai government had told its employees to use Huawei phones instead of phones produced by Apple or Samsung, according to a transcript posted on the news portal Sohu, one of the sponsors of the event.新闻门户网站搜狐公布的文字记录表明,在本月的一次会议上,中国国际经济交流中心秘书长魏建国回应,上海政府拒绝工作人员用于华为手机,仍然用于苹果或三星手机。

搜狐是会议的赞助之一。Three government officials in Shanghai and Beijing said they had not heard about any formal notice to stop using foreign phones and said many in their departments still used iPhones. One of the officials in Beijing, however, said people in his office refrained from bringing in Apple computers or iPads, because they are a more conspicuous display of wealth.上海和北京的三名政府官员回应,他们皆没接到有关停止使用外国手机的任何月通报,相提并论他们所在部门的很多工作人员仍在用iPhone。但其中一名北京的官员回应,他们办公室的人仍然带着苹果电脑或iPad下班了,因为这是较为醒目的炫富不道德。Out of the gate, Apple is already a step behind with the iPhone 6. Last year, the company released the latest model in China at the same time it did in the United States, Japan and parts of Europe. This year, the release has been delayed as Apple awaits government approval, an often slow and unpredictable process.从一开始,苹果就在iPhone 6的发售上慢了半拍。


The iPhone 6 is likely to get the final license before China’s National Day celebrations on Oct. 1, according to a person with knowledge of the plans who works for one of China’s state-owned telecom providers. If that happens, the new models will most likely begin selling in China a few weeks later.据在中国某家国有电信运营商供职的一名知情人士透漏,iPhone 6很可能会在10月1日的国庆节之前取得最后的许可。如果显然如此,新款iPhone近于可能会于几周后在中国预售。The delay gives the smugglers a bit more time to get rid of their stock.推迟发售给了走私客多一点处置存货的时间。

The recent scene at the electronics market in Beijing — a multistory mall crowded with stalls of vendors selling everything from calculators and hard drives to surveillance cameras and smartphones — was not encouraging. Only a few customers browsed in the narrow walkways.最近,北京的这座电子市场并萧条。这是一家多层商场,布满出售各种设备的摊位,计算器、硬盘、监控摄像机、智能手机,不一而足。只有少数几名顾客在狭小的地下通道中摆摊着。

No stalls openly displayed the new iPhones. On request, the vendors could procure the devices from a wholesaler. One vendor said the market for the phones was far worse than in past years but said he hoped a new crackdown on smuggling by customs officers would help push their price back up.没商家公开发表贩卖新款iPhone。如果有顾客要卖,商贩就去批发商那里拿货。一名小贩回应,iPhone的市场行情比过去几年劣多了,但他回应,期望海关新一轮的压制走私的行动不会在一定程度上推展价格回落。

In recent days, Hong Kong’s marine police have played a cat-and-mouse game with smugglers who use speedboats to take iPhones into China. On Thursday night, the police ran off several men in a mangrove swamp loading boxes of iPhones into a flat wooden boat that would ferry them out to a nearby speedboat. They seized 286 iPhones, according to a statement from Hong Kong customs. In other instances, customs has found hundreds of phones concealed in the axles of trucks and in hidden compartments in cars.最近几天,香港水警与利用快艇向内地载运iPhone的走私客玩起了猫抓老鼠的游戏。周四夜间,警方找到,几名男性正在红树林沼泽地里往平底木船上运送装有iPhone的箱子,打算用它再行载运到停车在附近的快艇上。香港海关发表声明称之为,求救了286部iPhone。

其他的例子还包括,海关曾在卡车轮轴及汽车不为人知厢体中找到了数以百计的手机。A report from China’s state-run Xinhua news service said the government would auction off 2,000 iPhone 6s it had seized in the southern city of Shenzhen.中国官方媒体新华社的一则报导称之为,政府将拍卖会在南部城市深圳搜出的2000部iPhone 6。The vendor at the electronics market said that one way smugglers skirted the stricter enforcement was to walk the phones across the border two at a time. Usually those crossing the border take the phones out of the packaging to convince customs officials that the phones are their own, he said.前述电子市场的小贩回应,走私客避免严格执法行动的办法是,一次带上两部手机破关。

他回应,水客一般来说不会拆毁手机的纸盒,比便让海关人员坚信,手机是他们自己的。Tearing off the plastic on what appeared to be an unopened iPhone 6, he showed how the screen was already dotted with the fingerprints of whoever brought it into China.他扔掉了看起来仍未汴京的iPhone 6外面的塑料包装,展出了手机屏幕,认为上面早已留给了将手机带进内地的人的指纹。

“Right now at our market you won’t find a phone that is actually in its original packaging,” he said.他说道,“在我们市场,现在你去找将近任何一部确实是原纸盒的手机。

