本文摘要:Google CEO Sundar Pichai said the Internet giant is open to returning its search business to China, if it could be done right, he told an industry conference.日前,互联网巨头谷歌的首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊在行业会议上回应,如果一切顺利,谷歌将新的向中国对外开放搜寻业务。

Google CEO Sundar Pichai said the Internet giant is open to returning its search business to China, if it could be done right, he told an industry conference.日前,互联网巨头谷歌的首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊在行业会议上回应,如果一切顺利,谷歌将新的向中国对外开放搜寻业务。We can do it in the right and thoughtful way, we are always open to it, said Pichai at the Code conference here. I care about serving consumers everywhere.“我们不会以准确、深思熟虑的方式来处置,我们所持意味著的对外开放态度。”皮查伊在Code大会上说道。

“我期望看见谷歌的服务遍及每一个角落。”Google pulled out of mainland China and moved its Chinese-language search engine to Hong Kong in 2010 after a series of cyber attacks on Google originated in the country. Google also said it would stop censoring search results in China.2010年,在遭到一系列网络攻击之后,谷歌解散中国大陆,将中文搜索的业务改向香港。谷歌公司还回应将暂停在中国审查搜寻结果。

The controversial move cut Google off from the fast-growing Chinese market, one thats been courted by rival Facebook and constitutes the second-biggest market for Apple.发展很快的中国市场仍然受到竞争者脸书的注目,也是苹果公司的第二大市场。因此,谷歌的解散引发了众多争议。Due to a reorganization last year, Brin and co-founder Larry Page now run Alphabet, a holding company that includes the companys moonshot activities, while Pichai runs Google.经过去年的重组之后,目前布林和联合创始人拉里·佩奇正在掌控研制“月球探测器”的母公司Alphabet,而皮查伊则负责管理谷歌业务。

Much of Pichais session at Code was devoted to Googles development of artificial intelligence for voice-activated searches. Pichai said Google sensed a shift in what it could do three to four years ago, performing more effective voice searches, and transitioned.皮查伊在Code大会上的谈话主要牵涉到到谷歌研发语音搜寻的人工智能技术。皮查伊回应,谷歌在三四年前才意识到语音搜寻的有效性,所以转变了发展战略。We saw significant step changes, he said. We felt the inflection point and made a big shift internally.“我们借此看见极大的机会,”他说道。“我们指出这是一个拐点,并在公司内部展开了根本性转变。

”Now one out of every five searches are done via voice, instead of keyboard typing, and Pichai expects that to greatly grow over the next years.不必键盘点字而用于语音搜寻的公司还将近五分之一。皮查伊预计,未来几年,语音搜寻将呈现出大幅度快速增长。Google will release a voice-activated speaker, Google Home, similar to Amazons Echo, later this year. Pichai said it will be different because it will play to Googles strengths. We will be building a true conversational device.今年晚些时候,谷歌将不会发售与亚马逊的Echo类似于的智能语音设备Google Home。

皮查伊回应,Google Home的有所不同在于具备谷歌的优势。“我们将不会配备确实的对话设备。

